This is my first attempt at blogging, I'm no journalist and not always very articulate but I've begun to realise that lots of things are not quite right with this country and the world.
It all started about 6 months ago when I got a parking ticket; I was parked in a side road on an out of town shopping centre; it was the Next sale and the car park was full so I parked on a verge, not causing an obstruction, it wasn't a through road and there were lots of other cars parked similarly. The local traffic warden smelt a bumper day and would be able to finish early and ticketed everybody. I know I was parked incorrectly but it wasn't causing a problem and the lines were crap, all broken up, large sections missing, not finished properly, etc. I just viewed this as complete opportunism by the greedy council contractor. So I appealled on the grounds of the Road Traffic Act which is pretty clear and by my understanding they were in the wrong but they rejected my appeal and I begrudgingly paid it.
Since then I discovered Lawful Rebellion and Freeman thinking and it made perfect sense, the law of contracts, money (or lack of it), creditors, debtors, banks, NWO and all the stuff that you don't read or see in the MSM.
There's a lot to learn and take in but understanding who you are and that you don't have to be a slave is truly liberating.
I recently got a PCN through the post for doing 57MPH in a 50MPH zone, it was a dual carriageway with no pathways for pedestrians, no residencies, no businesses in the area and again I thought who is the injured party here? This is pure taxation. I'd read about contracts and that a PCN is an offer of service so I kindly declined their offer of service and I've not heard anything about it since!
That's all for now - more soon.
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